2008년 7월 1일 에 한국정보과학회에서 발간하는 ‘정보과학회 논문지’에 우수한 다수의 논문을 게재하신 교수님께 드리는 ‘논문 공헌상’을 ‘노삼혁’ 교수님께서 수상하십니다.
시상명은 ‘논문 공헌상SILVER’ 입니다.
Next-generation Embedded/Computer System Software Technology
2008년 7월 1일 에 한국정보과학회에서 발간하는 ‘정보과학회 논문지’에 우수한 다수의 논문을 게재하신 교수님께 드리는 ‘논문 공헌상’을 ‘노삼혁’ 교수님께서 수상하십니다.
시상명은 ‘논문 공헌상SILVER’ 입니다.
OpenLab Ceremony: NECSST Lab. opens its laboratory to high school students to help encourage youngsters to enter the field of science and engineering
Congratulations to In Hwan Doh who became a father of a beautiful daughter on the 29th!!
Congratulations to Hyojin Kim who got married on the 12th!!
Kyuhyung Lee accepts PhD program offer from Purdue.
Kyuhyung Lee returns from one year and 3 month visit to Professor YY Zhou’s OPERA Lab at University of Illinois, Urbana Champagne (UIUC).
Yangwook Kang starts his one year visit to Professor Ethan Miller’s lab at the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC). This visit is funded by the Korea Research Foundation (KRF).
Kyuhung Lee’s paper titled “ PFC: Transparent Optimization of Existing Prefetching Strategies for Multi-level Storage Systems” is accepted by International Conference on Distributed Systems 2008 (ICDCS08)
Kyuhung Lee’s paper titled “CISpan: Comprehensive Incremental Mining Algorithms of Closed Sequential Patterns for Multi-Versional Software Mining.” is accepted by 2008 SIAM International conference on Data Mining (SDM 08).
NRL (National Research Lab) proposal is accepted for funding by KOSEF (Korea Science and Engineering Foundation). The annual funding amounts to roughly 200,000USD per year for five years.